NANO technology.....

Nanotechnology is the study and practical application of extremely small things.

Who discovered Nanotechnology?

In 1959, Nobel prize winner scientist Richard Feynman predicted the possibility of manipulating individual atoms.
In 1981, the scientists of IBM invented the first tool for atom manipulation– the tunneling microscope.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope

With the help of a tunneling microscope, scientists can not only see individual atoms, but also lift and move them around.
Courtesy nanotechnology, the atoms can be rearranged in interesting new ways, just like tiny LEGO blocks.

What is the Nanoscale?

Nanotechnology uses an incredibly small scale known as a nanoscale. Even the smallest of objects look gigantic if measured on a nanoscale.

How big is a Nanometer?

A nanometre is one billionth of a meter. This is roughly a million times smaller than the full-stop mark at the end of this line.
An atom of any object measures around 0.1 nanometres. A normal adult person is about 1500 million nanometres tall.

Nanotechnology in Medicine

Nanotechnology can revolutionize medicine. Scientists are trying to make tiny machines that could easily navigate through bodies to put medicines in the blood, repair damaged cells and even fix broken bones.
Nanotechnology also helps manufacturers make your favourite electronic gadgets smaller and more portable.


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